
.fabric watch bands

$10 for a watch face
$12 per band
(buy 2 bands - $10 each)


.baby rompers

Baby rompers are cute and fun for summer! Prices starting at $20! Email me

.more denim skirts


.denim skirts

Don't throw away worn-out capris or short pants!

Bring them to me and I'll make them into cute, fun, fashionable skirts.
Only $10!


.car seat cover

I can't wait to put baby B in her cute car seat. Won't I look so fashionable walking around with her? Just kidding.

.ribon hair bows

I saw these cute bows in a little babies hair- I asked the mom how to make them!
pre-heat oven to 200 degrees
wrap ribbon around knitting needle. (I didn't have one so I wrapped it around a kabob stick!) to hold it in place tap the ends- it won't hurt the ribbon. I found my ribbon at wal-mart for 47 cents!
Spray it was heavy starch and bake for 20 minutes!

.ric rack rings